Corporate Blog
Having decades of successful experience, we are sharing here our expertise, outlining industry and technology trends as well as benchmarking them.
Outlook4Gmail 4.1.3 Released!
We improved Outlook4Gmail performance and launched version 4.1.3. What’s New with v.4.1.3: Improved application ribbon that makes easier access to synchronization options, Added full support of all contact’s phone number types, Added support of multiple Outlook Data Files (.pst), Added support of Internet Calendars, Added option to clean up empty Contact Groups on synchronization, Added…
Business Process Management (BPM): Types and Use Cases
A solid BPM system can help companies of any size efficiently streamline their business processes. Find out what types of BPM systems exist and how businesses implement BPM tools in practice to improve their workflows.
Outlook4Gmail Synchronizes Contacts and Calendars Between Outlook, Google and Android
Scand Ltd. has released a new version of Outlook4Gmail 4.0.25 – a smart Outlook add-in that provides easy synchronization of your Outlook and Gmail accounts.
Minsk Web Standards Days
October 19, 2013, Scand team participated in the annual meeting – Web Standards Days, which was held in Minsk in BSUIR.
Grails 2.3 – a New Base Development Version!
Scand has been using Grails since version 0.4.4 for dozens of applications. Until recently the mainstream development version was 2.1.x, though be frankly we used customized distributive that includes special fixes performed by our developers. Unfortunately, there was no possibility to use more recent versions 2.2.x without these improvements that the community was not ready to…
SCAND summer corporate adventure «Summer Drive 2013» was held in Yakutskie Gory!
Smart Feed Reader 1.5 for iOS
We released a new version of Smart Feed Reader 1.5 for iOS!
Final Results of SCAND TS Champions’2013!
The third Scand Table Soccer Championship is over.
SCAND Table Soccer Championship 2013: First Stages
The first stage of the SC & TS 2013 is over.
SCAND Table Soccer Championship 2013
March 26th, the annual Table Soccer Championship is starting at Scand!