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Modern Technology Stack

For the past 20 years, our company has accumulated enormous expertise in modern software development technologies like .NET, Java, PHP, C++, and many others.

Challenging Tasks

We believe that challenges are the fastest and the most interesting way to professional growth. So, if «complex» equals «interesting» to you, SCAND is a place you will enjoy working at.

World-Class Projects

We are proud to develop software solutions and products for such world-famous companies like NASA, The Boeing Company, Microsoft, Airbus, Rossman, and our customer list is constantly growing.

Friendly Atmosphere

In addition to involving projects, at SCAND, you will join the team of enthusiastic professionals who always support each other both at work and out of the office.

What We Offer?

Flexible Working Hours

Our working hours may vary from 8:00-17:00/ 9:00-18:00/ 10:00-19:00/ 11:00-20:00 often depending on the customer's project. However, we are always open to discuss time options that would suit you.

Competitive Salary

You will get a high and inflation-independent salary without any delays. The salary is also regularly reviewed in accordance with achievements and professional growth.

Worldwide Projects

Our software development team has already created solutions and products for more than 250 clients across the globe. And the list of projects keeps growing.

29 Days Vacation

We believe that productive work is impossible without a quality rest, so we provide our employees with almost a month of a paid well-deserved vacation each year.

Medical Insurance

We want our team to be healthy, that is why each SCAND employee has medical insurance that covers services both at the governmental and private medical centers.

Office in the City Centre

Our office is located in the business center and can be easily reached by any transport: metro and bus, car or bicycle (there is also a parking space for cars and bicycles near the office).

How to Join Our Team?

There are 4 simple steps to become our employer.

1. CV

When there is a need for a new specialist, we publish a vacancy and collect a number of CVs from our candidates. Each CV is carefully studied by our HR managers to create the profile of the potential employee.

2. Test Task

If the skills and experience meet the vacancy requirements, we contact the candidate to ask several questions and offer a test task (just in case the checking of competencies is essential to the vacant position).

3. Interview

In case a test task is done successfully, we invite the candidate to an interview. It is conducted by at least two people, including the HR manager and a specialist from the division related to the vacancy.

4. Job offer

Considering the results of the previous steps, we make a job offer. After accepting it, a new employee will be on a probation period. In a couple of months, the decision on the new team member is finalized.

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