- 20 December 2012|
We have launched a new Magento extension – Product Locator with the ability to display product location on Google Maps.

- 30 November 2012|
Scand has been certified according to

- 08 November 2012|
Nov 9-11th Scand takes part in Grails48, a global community hackathon. We provide our office space to host this event in Minsk and our developers actively participate in this programming marathon. We invite everyone to discuss ideas and to create innovative JEE applications based on Grails framework.

- 07 June 2012|
Outlook4Gmail 3.1 Release Candidate is now available. If you haven't tested the Add-on yet, now is the time! We are very close to Public Release!

- 29 May 2012|
The most recent Outlook4Gmail 3.0 Release Candidate is available. Synchronization process for large amount of data improved, assignment folders to accounts added, syncronization filter to skip synchronization of unreliable contacts added.

- 25 May 2012|
The updated Smart Feed Reader 1.1 for Android OS is now available on Google Play. Improved application stability and error-handling, secure subscription to Google Reader authenticated feeds, improved performance of content processing and displaying.

- 27 April 2012|
We are launching Smart Feed Reader for Android today. It's a free RSS, RDF and ATOM news reader. Android 2.1 or later required. Get it now on Google Play.

- 26 April 2012|
Championship SC&TS 2012 Opening ceremony took place today at 9.30 a.m. It was a tense match! We congratulate our first winners Vadim and Ilia! See some great photos in our blog. To be continued...

- 31 March 2012|
Scand Ltd. won the WebHostingSearch.com award for best web tool. Web Hosting Search is an independent web hosting information guide. To receive this award you have to provide extra value to your users. Congratulations!

- 21 February 2012|
Our Software Architects are back from Spring I/O 2012 that took place in Madrid, Spain, on February 16-17, 2012. Spring I/O 2012 was a 2-day event full of presentations delivered by development leads, book authors and professionals on Spring, Groovy/Grails and Cloud technologies. Photos are here.

- 06 February 2012|
We've created cool video tutorials of Smart Feed Reader app helping you to understand and deal with the main features of the program quickly. The video is available on the website and on YouTube.

- 22 December 2011|
We wish our customers and their families Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments. May 2012 be your best year!