- 06 December 2011|
Another educational seminar for students was held in BSUIR, Minsk. This time the lecture "Introduction to Grails" in the series of "Java / Groovy / Grails" was presented by our specialist Aleksey Sergeev, an expert in the architecture of software systems, a participant of GR8Conf held last spring in Denmark.

- 23 November 2011|
SkyHistory v.1.2.3 released. It has improved user notifications and confirmation dialogs, that make product installation and configuration much easier. Added support of german OS version.

- 22 November 2011|
We've started seminar series at BSUIR, Minsk. The first lecture of the series "Introduction to industrial programming" was held by Alexander Chernyakevich, a leading expert of the company. An introductory "Java/Groovy/Grails" seminar was held by our lead engineer July Antonicheva, known contributor and maintainer of Grails based OpenSource projects.

- 20 October 2011|
New Smart Feed Reader Version 1.4 is now available in AppStore. Added iPad support, Media Collection support, reading news in full-screen from the most popular RSS channels.

- 12 October 2011|
To comply with new Skype policy we have converted our SkyHistory extra into a separate SkyHistory application.

- 26 September 2011|
Scand Ltd. is 11 years old now! We want to thank our customers, colleagues and just everyone who is part of Scand's 11-year history.

- 13 September 2011|
Our SkyRemote add-on for desktop sharing via Skype is available at Skype App Directory.

- 15 August 2011|
SVG Kit 1.0.5 for Adobe Creative Suite is available. A new bunch of features includes added support of images with width/height less than 1pt and support of fractions in image size (no rounding-off to 1pt anymore).

- 12 August 2011|
SkyHistory 1.2 is downloadable: improved performance and an opportunity to view logged calls.

- 18 July 2011|
SkyHistory 1.1 is available: enjoy enhanced speed and performance!

- 22 June 2011|
TrafficPanel 2.7 is downloadable: DNS aliases support and possibility of automatic daily activation of blocked ip's that reached http/tcp limits.