This is a simple support of math equations for Adobe InDesign Server, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe InCopy in the MathML format. MathML Kit provides the native placement of MathML files without any extra conversions. From the Adobe InDesign side, a MathML file is a vector shape and it is placed as a vector in the EPS, PDF, or other formats.

Main Functions & Compatibility
We support the following Adobe products:

- Adobe InDesign support, CS6 – CC2019.
- Adobe InDesign Server support, CS6 – CC2019.
- Adobe InCopy support, CS5.5 – CC2019.
- MathML 2.0 presentation extended support.
- MathML 2.0 content basic support.
- MathML 3.0 basic support.
Why MathML Kit for Adobe CS

MathML Kit has been designed primarily for one function: the high-quality printing of the mathematical formulas on paper. The major browsers support the MathML format and overall, this format is quite popular. But for printing, it should be converted into the vector (EPS or PDF) or raster formats. As a result, the converted images are no longer maintainable and in many cases have poor quality.
We have created our own implementation of the SVG format support named SVG Kit for Adobe Creative Suite, and currently, we introduce the MathML basic format support in addition to SVG.
Our solution does not ensure any MathML editing capabilities; it just provides you with an ability to place MathML formulas into the InDesign documents manually or in an automated way.
After installing MathML Kit, go to File->Place menu. There you will see a new file format (MathML) available in the list of known file formats. MathML Kit has no internal visual editor for formulas, but you might use your favorite from Links panel as usual.
In case you have no MathML file format in the dialog window, please make sure the installation was completed without errors.
We have an embedded logging facility in MathML Kit. You can find it in the TMP folder at your disk root, with jlong.log and SvgKitJava.log files (logging facility is shared between SVG Kit and MathML Kit so make sure you got the right files). If this didn’t solve your issue, please send us these files to and we will be able to help you.
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