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  • 21 October 2001|

New applet – component MenuBar – is released.

  • 01 July 2001|

In JTree is added loading from XML stream.

  • 03 June 2001|

New version of TabBar is released.

  • 23 May 2001|

Scand releases Urfin – a powerful Web-based local area network file search engine.

  • 28 April 2001|

Second version of Jasper is finally released!

  • 14 April 2001|

New applets are added to the Download section: Histogramm and Graph.

  • 04 April 2001|

We deploy new version of Prosys, supporting e-mail exchange.

  • 27 March 2001|

First release of LOP – the advanced Web-based reporting system.

  • 07 January 2001|

SProxy – advanced proxy module for Apache – is ready for deployment.

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