CAD Viewer For Enterprises
- CAD Software Development
- Desktop Application Development
- Cloud Application Development
- Web Application Development
- C#
- D3.js
- Microsoft SQL
- ArangoDB
- DEX graph database
- ShapeSpace
SCAND development team was asked to create a software solution for viewing, measuring, and performing other investigative operations with 3D and 2D CAD models. The challenge was to develop an easy-to-use, robust tool for sharing files of all popular CAD formats with internal and external teams. In addition, this CAD viewer needed to be used online without installing a desktop application.
To deliver a high-quality product with the required functionality, the development included the following:
- Visualization of all popular 3D CAD file formats using Tech Soft 3D HOOPS Visualize & Exchange libraries;
- Interactive CAD data visualization for the web environment with the help of the Data-Driven Documents framework (D3).
It is quite common when participants of a manufacturing process at some enterprise do not create 3D models (like engineers do). Still, they have to deal with these models: view, measure, analyze, investigate. The CAD viewer delivered by our team allows different enterprise users to easily access all CAD models and all the related data.
Once an engineer makes some changes to a model, everything is automatically saved in several file formats and becomes available to other specialists involved in the production. Other enterprise users can view all the details of a particular model, compare different samples in order to choose the most preferable, investigate them, and do many other things, which significantly improves and simplifies the manufacturing process.
Key Features
- Multi-CAD data exchange support for manufacturers;
- Centralized and automated publishing of native CAD files;
- CAD visualization: exploded assembly, section view, product manufacturing information (PMI);
- CAD investigation: smart dimensioning, tube length, 2D stamps, notes, and annotations;
- CAD model analysis: model compare, draft angle analysis, the volume of a void;
- Online, zero-download, cloud-enabled CAD viewer.
SCAND development team created an effective solution for CAD models visualization.
The CAD viewer we developed successfully solves the problem of communication between remote groups of engineers, managers, designers, and other people involved in product manufacturing at the enterprise.
Related Cases
- Web App
- .NET
- JavaScript
- C#
- Xamarin